readERS K-2

I am too absolutely small for school

Author: Lauren Child 

Description: Lola is not so sure about school. After all, why would she need to count higher than ten when she never eats more than ten cookies at a time? And why write letters when you have a telephone? Once again, it's up to ever-patient big brother Charlie to persuade Lola that school is worthwhile -- and that her invisible friend, Soren Lorensen, will be welcome, too. Lauren Child's delightful sibling duo returns to tackle first-day-of-school jitters with their own special brand of energy and humor.

readERS 3-5

Isadora Moon Goes to School

Author: Harriet Muncaster

Description: Half fairy, half vampire and totally unique! Enjoy reading with the adventures of Isadora Moon, a super special character. Isadora Moon is special because she is different. Her mom is a fairy, her dad is a vampire and she has a little bit of both. She loves the night, bats and her black ballet tutu, but also the sunlight, magic wands and her pink rabbit Pinky. When it's time to start school, Isadora doesn't know which one she should go to: Fairy or vampire.

readERS 6-8

President of the Whole Sixth Grade

Author: Sherri Wilson

Description: Brianna Justice is determined to raise enough money for the big class trip to Washington, D.C., but she's up against a lot: classmates who all pretend to be something they're not, a new nemesis determined to run her out of office, and the sinking feeling she's about to lose her two best friends for good. But just when she begins to lose hope, she comes to realize that sometimes surprises can turn out even better than the best-laid plans.